Healthy Care 911
Beware of these diseases in winter, part 2
Let's continue the discussion, several diseases with alert in winter. Here's more:
3. Influenza
This disease is common and easily spread in the winter due to influenza virus. In a 2007 study found that influenza viruses survive in cold or wet. influenza virus survival at low humidity, which is about 20-30%. Tolerance limit, the virus is difficult to survive on 100 percent humidity.
The solution, we need to keep the body's immunity, because in winter all over the place we were definitely damp or cold. Installing a fireplace to help warm the room, wearing thick clothes and warm, as well as providing personalized medicine accordingly.
4. High cholesterol
In general, urban communities have high cholesterol levels in the winter than in the summer. Changes in cholesterol levels can occur in those who exercise less. Typically, they tend to sleep and lazy during the winter. The researchers concluded that the trend is due to a failure to adapt to the environment. While cholesterol is a major cause of heart disease.
The best solution is to avoid high cholesterol by exercising regularly, and check cholesterol levels.
Cholesterol level in our body is influenced by the amount of LDL and HDL. LDL levels in the blood should ideally <160 mg / dl and HDL levels in the blood ideal> 35 mg / dl, and normal cholesterol levels in the blood is between 160-200 mg / dl.
5. Skin disease
Winter makes the skin disease, disease that causes red and scaly skin sores. This disease gets worse during the months of winter. When the cold air, less sunlight and colder temperatures can make the disease widened. Immediately consult a dermatologist and use moisturizer sparingly.
Eventually that's some review of disease in winter, just prevention is better than cure, may be useful and provide insight for healthy living.
Beware of these diseases in winter, part 1
For some people, winter brings not only cold air and snow. However, it also brings some health problems. Here is a disease that usually attacks during the winter:
1. Heart Attack

How can we detect cardiac performance? There are many ways, in a healthy adult, while resting heart rate is normal is around 60-100 beats per minute (bpm). We can find out by consulting with medical equipment in hospitals, or using a portable cardiac records that can be used at home.
- Severe pain, heavy, and pressing as angina but worse, in the middle of the chest, radiating up to the neck
and teeth, and toward the arms, especially the left arm, at the elbow.
- Skin is pale and clammy
- Shortness of breath
- Nausea and sometimes vomiting
- Excessive Anxiety
- Can not be quiet
- Dizziness
- Fainting.
For the simple instructions, how to calculate maximum heart rate of each person, do it by reducing the number 220 with age. For example the age of 40 years, the maximum amount is 180 bpm. It is also useful as an early diagnosis of the presence or absence of cardiovascular disorders.
As a precaution, patients with heart disease is not recommended to exercise too early in the morning, where the temperature is very low. If you have never experienced a previous heart attack, if you are dealt right away, and if there are no complications, you have a good hope. After two weeks, the risk of recurrent heart attack will decrease quite large. Hope it would be better if you stop smoking, reduce alcohol intake, exercising regularly, and eating a healthy.
2. Stroke
Winter can worsen high blood pressure and lead to complications such as heart failure and stroke. According to a study published in January in the Journal of Biological Sciences, "Changes in extreme temperatures from warm to cold can increase blood pressure and cause blood vessels to narrow," said Head of Neurology at Celveland study Dr. Joseph Hanna.
Changes in temperature cause the aneurysm, which is when the blood vessels stand out because the walls are weakened, making it highly vulnerable to rupture and cause a stroke immediately. For that, it is very important that we always pay attention to a healthy lifestyle and exercise that serves to maintain flexibility in the muscles and blood vessels throughout the body.
If we care, we will be spared from stroke. Even to control blood pressure, it is very easy. We can use digital blood pressure monitor at home, or we perform routine health check with a doctor. Normal blood pressure at rest is in the range of 100-140 mmHg systolic and 60-90 mmHg diastolic. that is, normal blood pressure ranges from 100/60 mmHg - 140/90 mmHg.
There are at least five obvious early symptoms being:
1. Suddenly felt weak and numbness in the face, arm or leg.
2. Sudden loss of vision or outlook bleak, particularly in one eye only.
3. Not being able or not able to speak
4. Suddenly felt a headache without any obvious cause
5. Feeling dizzy, unsteady, or a sudden drop
Here are some solutions to prevent stroke :
• You have to control your blood pressure. Get it checked regularly and, if necessary, take special steps to reduce it. Lowering high blood pressure reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke.
• Smoking is directly linked to the risk of stroke. Many studies show that there is a lower risk of getting a stroke in people who have quit smoking than those who continued to smoke.
• Exercise regularly need moderate exercise makes the heart stronger and improve circulation. This will help you control your weight. Physical exercise such as jogging, swimming, walking, jumping, yoga and garden reduces the risk of both stroke and heart disease.
• Focus on a healthy diet. You need to focus on eating a variety of fruits and vegetables. Consumption of calories from animal and vegetable sources have, just need to be calculated as required
Prevents disease in winter
In the last article we discussed how to keep our bodies stay healthy in the winter. One solution is to keep the activity and not lazy. Guard our health is exercise and gymnastic activities.
We can choose to exercise at home or at the gym. The trend in many winter activities carried out in the room, although there are some exercises that can be done outdoors as ice skating, snow boarding, etc..
This time we will discuss the exercise may be done easily at home. We can do biking, running, walking fast with easy to use home fitness equipment.
Why should exercise in the winter?
Winter will affect diet, daily activities and metabolism. In general, people will choose more consumption of calories, lots of rest, and gather around the fire place. The end of winter is often found presence of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, etc.
To prevents disease and maintain body condition, we need to balance our daily consumption needs. The solution is to exercise for burning calories and fat, which serves to warm us from the inside. With exercise we'll get used to live safely and can perform daily activities with vigor.
Exercising can be done with some simple techniques and routines, at least 30 minutes a day. It will help keep the body's metabolism and immunity levels in normal circumstances.
To prevents disease and maintain body condition, we need to balance our daily consumption needs. The solution is to exercise for burning calories and fat, which serves to warm us from the inside. With exercise we'll get used to live safely and can perform daily activities with vigor.
Exercising can be done with some simple techniques and routines, at least 30 minutes a day. It will help keep the body's metabolism and immunity levels in normal circumstances.
Lots of home exercise equipment that we could use, such as Treadmills, Exercise Bikes, Rowers, Elliptical Trainers, Home Gyms, etc.. It only takes a willingness and enthusiasm to keep our bodies healthy.
Besides supported by exercise, we also need to adjust our diet. Because without a healthy eating pattern, then our health will be difficult for us to watch. Even bodies desperately need a supplement, choose the right supplements or consult with your doctor before you take action.
Stay fit and healthy in winter
We met two extreme seasons that need special handling, summer and winter. Both seasons had a good physical preparation needed to ensure the health and fitness. Without a healthy and fit body ensure our activities are very disturbed.
Here are some tips for maintaining health and fitness, especially in winter:
1. Prepare a good body power
- Live a healthy diet by eating foods that contain adequate nutrients protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins
and minerals according to health status.
- Taking vitamin C and vitamin B complex.
- Get enough sleep (6-8 hours) and use a blanket at bedtime.
- Avoid stress.
- Drink at least eight glasses of water a day while not thirsty. Do not be afraid to urinate frequently, it is
normal due to the influence of cold air.
- The use of various spices such as ginger, cloves, lemongrass, pepper, chili in drinks and cooking
because it is warm.
- Appropriate exercise routine physical abilities even just walk away. If a healthy body, try to walk 10-15
minutes during the day despite the cold air. In addition to body shape as it moves, sun exposure adds
to the white blood cells, especially lymphocytes whose function is to attack the disease.
- Do not be lazy. Stay tuned as usual because idleness will add to the chill.
2. Maintain healthy skin and hair
Hair and skin is the most visible changes in the winter, so it must be kept in a way :
- Use moisturizing cream and do not bathe too often (just 1 time a day) and do not use water that is too
hot, to prevent dry skin.
- Using a lip moisturizer (lypgloss).
- Reduce the use of a blow dryer to dry the hair so as not to dry and cracked on the ends of hair.
For those who have heart disease, diabetes, asthma and arthritis should be treated and follow the doctor's advice in order to control the disease.
In addition to maintaining physical, we need to consider other means in the winter to help control extreme conditions :
1. Prepare equipment for winter clothing
Prepare a set of clothes that can cover the body properly. Thermal shirts, sweaters, jackets, coats, scarves, gloves, beanies hat, warm socks and boots use in accordance with the need to maintain our body heat, which is proportional to the degree of chill in the air and the body's ability to face the cold. The colder the thicker and more complete equipment used. Use hot packs if the air is too cold for people with arthritis or hand. There are also hot packs for use in the shoe.
2. Consider air circulation, lighting, temperature and humidity of the room.
Although it is very cold outside air circulation still needs to happen. Open windows at regular intervals even if only briefly, about enough to turn the air. Open curtains during the day. Sunlight can kill disease bacteria, viruses and fungi. Bacteria in the air within 10 minutes destroyed by sunlight.
3. Use space heaters, electric carpet when the temperature is cold, according to our resistance to cold.
Keep moist enough room to add a humidifier or hang one or two wet towels or put a pan of water in the room.
4. Monitor the weather every day in order to prepare well.
That's a few tips for the winter. Hopefully health is maintained and comfortably through the season.
Rheumatic diseases, chronic genetic
Many people with joint pain felt very disturbed and limited in any activities. Effective disease weakens the whole body, a scourge for those who find it. You can imagine the pain, when every movement of our body feels heavy and sore, it will not be imagined.
According to medical research, rheumatic diseases, or known as rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease, meaning it can last for years, patients may experience long periods without symptoms. Although arthritis is a chronic and systemic disease, symptoms of its coming and going. There were times when the joint becomes inflamed and painful called flare. This flare may occur suddenly for no apparent reason, and then followed by periods of remission or with minimal inflammation (the disease is inactive).
Rheumatoid arthritis causes swelling, pain, stiffness, and redness in the joints. The inflammation of rheumatoid disease can also occur in tissues around the joints, such as tendons, ligaments, and muscles. In some people with rheumatoid arthritis, chronic inflammation causes damage to cartilage, bone, and ligaments, causing deformity of the joints.
The cause of rheumatoid arthritis is unknown to date, but allegedly triggered by a combination of factors, including genetic susceptibility, viral infection or hormonal changes. Women are more likely affected by rheumatic diseases than men.
When the disease is active, symptoms can include fatigue, loss of energy, poor appetite, fever, muscle and joint pain, and stiffness. Muscle and joint stiffness are usually most popular in the morning and after periods of inactivity. During flares, joints frequently become red, swollen, painful, and tender. This occurs because the lining tissue of the joint (synovium) becomes inflamed, resulting in the production of excessive joint fluid (synovial fluid). Synovium also thickens with inflammation (synovitis).
Proper, regular exercise is important in maintaining joint mobility and strengthen the muscles around the joints. Swimming is particularly useful because it allows exercise with minimal stress on the joints. Physical and occupational therapists are trained to provide specific exercise instructions with support splint. Minimizing emotional stress can help improve overall health.
Surgery may be recommended to restore joint mobility or repair damaged joints. Doctors who specialize in joint surgery is an orthopedic surgeon. Support and provide them with extracurricular groups rheumatoid arthritis time to discuss their problems with others and learn more about their disease.
Drink some prescription medication or drugs containing extracts puyang (Zingiber aromaticum), sidaguri (Sida rombifolia), turmeric (Curcuma domestica), ginger (Zingiber officinale), bitter (Andrographis paniculata) and the roots of the weeds (Imperata cylindrica).
The benefit of these materials is to help relieve pain and stiffness caused by inflammation of the joints, prevent hardening of the cartilage tissue of joints, and stabilize the joint lubrication.
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