
Dengue fever, symptoms, myths and facts of Medicine

Dengue fever, also known as breakbone fever, is a viral disease transmitted by mosquitoes called Aedes mosquitoes. It is found in many countries around the world and is very common in Southeast Asia, India, the Caribbean, South and Central America, and Africa.

Symptoms of dengue fever as follows:

  1. Sudden onset of fever without apparent cause
  2. Fever with redness of the face and neck and vomiting
  3. Bleeding arise, either from the teeth, mouth, nose, skin, or feces
  4. You should be suspicious if the temperature decreases abruptly after some time the patient has fever. These symptoms are accompanied by a sense of anxiety, abdominal pain, and body weakness. This indicates dengue shock will enter a very dangerous phase.


  1. We do not need to take precautions, such as bathtub drain, close the water reservoir, providing mosquito repellent powder.
  2. Guava juice can cure dengue fever.

The fact that the actual
Dengue fever is an infectious disease caused by the dengue virus. Virus gets into the blood vessels and invade the blood vessel walls. In the body of the complex reaction, resulting in leakage of blood vessels. The result is a decrease in platelet count.

If this is not addressed, there will be a marked gastrointestinal bleeding with stool color black. Bleeding also occurred in other organs such as the kidneys and lungs. In the later stages can occur vomiting blood.

However, before this happens, the body will react to the virus. In the initial phase the body will fight to neutralize the virus. If not successful virus will disrupt the function of blood clotting and bleeding arise. So that your body can fight the virus needs a strong immune system.

To get a good immune system, among other necessary intake of foods rich in nutrients and vitamins, one of which is vitamin C. Guava is one of many types of fruits rich in vitamin C. This means guava juice as a source of building immunity against dengue virus is not to cure dengue fever.

The first step of treatment of dengue fever, the fluid that is pemberikan DHF patients do not become dehydrated. If oral fluids are not sufficient or sufficiently severe degree of plasma leakage, the liquid should be given through a vein or artery infusion by health personnel.

Intravenous fluids are usually given if the patient vomited every meal or drink. Doctors also give febrifuge to reduce fever and pain. Furthermore, the doctor will conduct inspections and monitor the development of DHF. In case of gastrointestinal bleeding, blood transfusion may be done.

By the time a person has dengue fever and had to be hospitalized, and vomiting vomiting, could be a doctor forbade the consumption of guava juice. However, in patients with DHF early stages, when the patient was able to eat and drink, giving guava juice was permitted. With hope, can help get your vitamin C intake to improve endurance.

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5 foods all men should eat

Healthy foods will make your body healthy as well, here are healthy meal for the men.

1: Whole grains

Whole grains are great for our health due to high levels of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Most whole grains, including brown rice and wheat, are very rich in vitamin B, which is good for the general welfare, and also can help relieve depression. Individual B vitamins can also be beneficial to men's health in various ways. Studies show that folate (vitamin B9) can keep sperm healthy, while biotin (B7) may help hair loss. Silica, also present in grains, can also help the growth of healthy hair.

2: Egg

For men suffering from hair loss, eggs may also provide appropriate solutions. Eggs are an excellent source of protein, which is important for hair growth, as well as being rich in biotin (vitamin B7). Egg yolks are also a good source of iron, which some research suggests may reduce hair loss, which can be caused by anemia.

3: Pomegranate juice

Pomegranates are packed with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, and studies have shown that drinking the juice of this "super" can help lower cholesterol - which can be high in men as young as in their 20s - and prevent hypertension. A study also found that drinking just one 8 oz glass of pomegranate juice every day could dramatically slow the progress of prostate cancer.

4: Garlic

Garlic is known to improve heart health, and a study of the effects of garlic consumption on males has shown that regularly eating garlic can help lower cholesterol levels lower man. In addition, research findings published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute have shown that regularly eating garlic and onions could help lower men's risk of prostate cancer.

5: Salmon

Salmon is not only a source of protein, but it is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which can help overcome many of the most common complaints men's health. Omega-3 fatty acids have been linked to lower levels of "bad" cholesterol and also reduce the risk of many diseases, including heart disease, colorectal cancer, prostate cancer and depression.


Foods to increase fertility for women

Fertility is influenced by food. Hormonal imbalances, or have a slow rate of egg production are some of the problems that can be addressed with a healthy pattern foo.

Here are some foods that help increase fertility.

1. Red meat. The content of iron in red meat is very able to reduce the risk of infertility that arise in the process of ovulation. Iron helps increase red blood cells also reduce the threat of anemia. Red meat also supports ovulation and efficiently maintain cell division.

2. Nuts. Almonds can be a solution to infertility which was very tasty. Almonds are high in vitamin E which can increase a woman's sex drive, while simultaneously able to protect the embryo from a miscarriage.

3. Oysters. Eating oysters may seem attractive to some people, but those who want to increase fertility should certainly tasteful. Oysters contain zinc which is important for healthy ovulation and egg production stable. In addition to oysters, iron is also contained in eggs, whole grains and nuts.

4. Baked potato. Baked potato contains vitamin B is very high. It's perfect for the spirit of love. The content of vitamins B and E are found in these foods, which can also increase cell division and increase the chances of healthy ova production.

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