
Aloe Vera, beautiful plants with Rich Benefits

This plant has been known since 1500 BC. Ancient Egyptians used this plant for treatment even as offerings at the funeral of Egyptian kings.

Aloe vera is a type of cactus plants, leaves thick, juicy with a bitter taste, sword-shaped, leaves to 50 cm long and thorny. Aloe vera has a very tight pores that function to prevent loss of moisture in it (Atherton, 1997). This plant originated in Africa and includes the family Liliaceae, which has over 300 species. Species of the genus Aloe include Aloe barbadansis commercial, and Aloe ferox Aloe perryl.

Aloe Vera plant has a variety of types. At least there are about 200 types of Aloe Vera have been known. Of the 200 species that are best used for treatment is a type of Aloevera Barbadensis Miller. This type contains at least 72 types of substances needed by the body.

Of the 72 substances there are 18 kinds of amino acids, carbohydrates, fats, water, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, hormones, and substances of drug classes. Among others, antibiotics, antiseptic, antibacterial, anticancer, antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antipembengkakan, antiparkinson, atherosclerosis, and antiviral resistant to antibiotics.

Aloe vera proved to storing important substances such as vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B21, C, E, choline, inositol, and folic acid.
Mineral content is calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron, zinc, and chromium. The content of the enzymes, including amylase, catalase, cellulose, Carboxypeptidase, carboxyhelolase, and brandykinase are all very important for metabolism. Aloe vera also appeared to contain a variety of amino acids, namely arginine, asparagine, asparatic acid, analine, serine, valine, glutamic acid, threonine, glycine, lycine, yrozine, proline, histidine, leucine, and isoliucine.

Since the year 1522 BC, in Egypt, aloe vera has been used to relieve redness of the skin disorders as well as the healing of infected wounds. Similarly in Indonesia. Use of aloe vera has been made since tens or even hundreds of years ago, mainly to overcome the loss hair and blaked hair.

This are the Aloevera functions :

Immunity. Aloe vera is full of antioxidants that counter free radicals to boost the immune system. 
Burns. Aloe vera gel can heal and repair skin affected by burns, including burns caused by sun exposure. 
Dandruff. Aloe vera can help reduce itching and dandruff. Aloe vera can also be used for treatment of hair before shampooing. 
Detoxification. Aloe vera juice is a laxative natural toxins, but also contains various vitamins and minerals that help your body cope with stress in daily life. 
Indigestion. Aloe vera is useful especially in cases of heartburn and irritable bowel and peptic ulcers. Aloe vera soothes the mind and overcome esophageal acid reflux. 
Oral health. Aloe vera is very useful for mouth and gum problems, especially in improving the deteriorating gums. 
Skin care. Function also removes acne, moisturize the skin, detoxify the skin, removal of scars and marks, reduce inflammation, and repair and skin rejuvenation. 
Diabetes. Half a tablespoon of aloe vera juice is given for 14 weeks was shown to reduce blood sugar levels by 45 percent. 
Help the bowel movement. Aloe latex contains anthraquinone glycosidesaloin A and B are useful as a powerful laxative. 
Maintain weight. Aloe vera juice has been used for years to lose weight.

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Honey, natural gift for the health

Naturally honey is already known to be a blessing for health. The content of pure natural materials without chemical mixture, honey has specific strengths as chemical drugs.

A great natural source of carbohydrates which provide strength and energy for our bodies, honey is known for its effectiveness in instantly improve performance, endurance and reduce muscle fatigue. Natural sugar that plays a critical role in preventing fatigue, glucose in honey is absorbed by the body quickly and provide immediate energy boost. Honey keep blood sugar levels fairly constant compared to other types of sugar.

Honey can also be an enormous boost your immune system strong. These antioxidant and anti-bacterial properties can help improve digestive system and helps you stay healthy and fight disease. Further honey has anti-carcinogen and prevent tumor.

In scientific research, the chemical process of honey has an osmotic effect. Basically honey is a mixture of monosaccharides with low water activity. This makes honey a deterrent proliferation of microorganisms.

Honey produces hydrogen peroxide, formed from the slow release of glucose by enzymes in the honey oxide. At the time the honey is used or consumed, hydrogen peroxide is produced when exposed to body fluids to melt honey. As a result, hydrogen peroxide is released slowly and to be antiseptic. Honey can also disable the metal-free, that will not catalyze the formation of free oxygen radicals from hydrogen peroxide, which causes inflammation.

Now, your turn to prove. Keep the environment naturally, to get the blessings and wonders of nature.

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How to prevent the flu naturally

People have not found an effective treatment to overcome the flu, so prevention is the most appropriate action.The most effective way to prevent flu is to use the right treatment. It might not natural but it works better than the other way. But there are other strategies that you can try. Here's some advice from Charles B. Inlander, president of The People's Medical Society, which you can try:

1. Hand Washing

Most of the flu virus is spread through direct contact. someone who has the flu sneezes into his hand, then touches the telephone, keyboard, glass in the kitchen. Germs can survive for several hours, even in some cases last up to weekly, then the thing will be touched by others.Therefore, frequently washing hands. If hand washing is not available, rub your hands vigorously for several minutes. This will help to destroy most germs cause flu. Or wash your hands with alcohol-based cleaning.

2. Do not cover your sneeze or cough with your hands

Because germs and viruses can attach to an unprotected hand, the cover sneezes or coughs with your hands will facilitate the spread of germs to others. If you want to sneeze or cough, use a tissue, then throw in the trash-covered. If no tissue, turn your head from the people who are around you and cough into the air is.

3. Do not touch the face
The flu virus enters the body through the eyes, nose, or mouth. Touching the face is the primary mode of transmission in children with flu, and is the main way of transmitting the flu to their parents.

4. Drink plenty of water

Water will speed up the system in your body, cleanse all the toxins in the body. A healthy adult needs eight glasses of fluid per day. How do you determine whether you get enough fluids or not? If the color of your urine is almost clear, you are well hydrated. If the color yellow, you need more fluids.

5. Sauna
Researchers are not certain about the role of sauna in flu prevention measures, but a German study in 1989 found that those who do the sauna twice a week decreased the frequency of experiencing flu by half compared with those who do not do sauna. His theory: when do the sauna you inhale air hotter, the temperature is too hot for flu viruses that do not allow the virus to survive.

6. The fresh air

Fresh air is important, especially during the rainy season that requires you to stay longer in the room, which means there will be more and more germs are circulating in crowded, dry rooms.

7. Doing regular aerobic

Aerobic exercise speeds up the heart to pump blood in larger quantities, so that will make you breathe faster and help transfer oxygen from the lungs into the blood, making you sweat when the body heats up. This exercise helps increase the body's natural ability to kill virus cells.

8. Eat foods that contain phytochemicals

"Phyto" means plants, and natural chemicals in plants is very good for health. So, Â keep vitamin pills and eat green vegetables, red and yellow and do not forget the fruit.

9. Consumption of yogurt

Some studies show that eating a cup of low fat yogurt a day can reduce susceptibility to colds by 25%. According to the researchers, the good bacteria in yogurt may stimulate production of immune system substances that protect against disease.

10. Avoid cigarette

Statistics show that heavy smokers often suffer from colds and flu suffered more severe. Even secondhand smoke can affect the immune system. Smoking dries out the airways and paralyzes cilia, tiny hairs that limiting mucus membranes in the nose and lungs. In addition, the movement of fine wavy hair will issue a flu virus from the respiratory tract. Experts believe, one cigarette can paralyze cilia for 30-40 minutes.

11. Reduce alcohol consumption
Excessive alcohol consumption will suppress the immune system in various ways. Heavy drinkers tend to be infected and develop complications. Alcohol because alcohol is drying fluid from the body.

12. Relax

You can make yourself relax and activate the immune system. Evidence suggests, when you relax, interleukin, a leader in the response of the immune system to fight the flu virus, an increase in blood flow.Train yourself to describe a pleasant or relaxing images. Do it for 30 minutes per day for a miraculous month. Remember, relaxation skills can be learned. People who try to relax, but still feel tired, will not experience changes in blood chemicals.

hopefully useful.....

Benefits of Noni fruit (Morinda Citrifolia Linn)

The noni fruit is known by Several names, Including Indian mulberry, canary wood and the painkiller bush in the Caribbean.

- 3-8 m tall tree with a clear main stem. 
- Leaves flat-brimmed, green and yellow. 
- The flowers are leaf-shaped hump diketiak.
- The fruit is bumpy irregular. Length is 5-10 cm. 

Habitat: on calcareous soil height of 1.000m above sea level. 

The content and properties 
- Scopoletin, this compound regulates blood pressure, antibacterial, also regulates the hormone serotonin, which helps reduce levels of anxiety and depression. 
- Morindin, this substance is effective in improving the body's defense system. 
- gum 
- Malic acid 
- Citric acid 
- Antiseptic compounds. 


Based on research, there are about 61 more efficacious compounds contained in Noni. They work synergistically and mysterious. For example, some compounds that play an active role in the treatment of certain diseases, it does not mean only the compounds that contribute to it. But it is supported also by other compounds. That is why consuming extraction properties of the compounds would be different than if we drank Noni juice as a whole. Say in treating blood pressure. Noni juice can increase blood pressure for people with low blood but on the other hand can lower blood pressure monitor for patients with hypertension. 

The phenomenon will not occur in noni fruit is extracted. According to research dr. Mona Harrison of the faculty of Medicine, University of Bolton, the consumption of fruit juice will help provide hormone megkudu xeronine. Xeronine of Noni works contradictory. In patients with high blood pressure, xeronin lower blood pressure to normal. In patients with low blood pressure, blood pressure increases blood noni. In other words, Noni juice works as an adaptogen, balancing the body's cells function.

The Cons

  • Noni juice has high potassium levels and is potentially dangerous for people with chronic kidney disease. There are also reports of some people suffering liver damage from noni juice.

  • Noni fruit contains high levels of glucose and is not recommended for diabetics. Large volumes may also cause constipation.

  • Noni juice can be pricey and hard to find and you can easily get the same health benefits from more affordable juices such as orange, cranberry and tomato. (There is more vitamin C in a raw orange than in a glass of noni juice.)


Best Hair Treatments From All Around The World part 2

At the last post we discussed the haircare 10 ways from several countries. The following follow-up episode of hair care that gives you the best information for charming beautiful hair.

11. French

 As one of the most advanced country in the world, French women choose these simple steps for hair care. They believe in the efficacy of the potent beauty sleep refreshes their entire body, including the hair. No wonder if the hair overnight moisturizer highly in demand in France. The most popular is the shea butter cream they apply on your scalp every evening before they wash their hair. Then at night they put vitamin hair before bed.

12. German

Known as a country that loves beer, do not be surprised if the drinks are specially commemorated in the Oktoberfest is also a major contribution to the beauty of the German women's hair. The trick was not difficult. You only need a pint of beer mixed with warm water until the temperature warms the beer part. Soak the hair in this liquid for 20 minutes, then rinse. Do it once a week. This trick is not only a powerful makes your hair shiny, but also strong and not easily broken.

13. Italy

Italian women do not just use olive oil for a delicious meal mengoleh typical of their country, but also to retain moisture and prevents it from matted hair. Italian women always took time to put a tablespoon of olive oil into the hair shaft them on a regular basis, at least once a week. They also do not wash your hair every day to keep the texture of the hair from tangles and easier to style.

14. Czech Republic

Czech blonde in comfort in treating hair aside. How not, they use the water boiled onion skins are then used to rinse the hair to retain color blond. No less than 6 onion skin mixed with 4 cups of glass and then boiled for 10 minutes. Can imagine the smell?

15. Romania

Romania for women, not just using it as a trick conditioner smoothes the hair. They used to add 1 tablespoon of honey into the conditioner they use after shampooing. The result, not only the hair becomes more shiny, but also emit highlight colors for women who dyed her hair.

16. Greece

Just like most Asian women, most Greek women endowed with the texture of thick dark hair. This characteristic is also one of the pride of Greek women. To maintain the shiny dark hair, they used to use shampoo containing walnut leaves are efficacious to maintain tone and hair color to keep it shiny.

17. South Africa

Just like most other black women, African women are also using a variety of ways to straighten their curly hair. Before using flattening iron, African women created their own techniques. After washing her hair, they wrap their tight wet hair using a stocking to be dried using hair dryer. Once the hair is in 80% dry, they open the package and wrap the hair back in the opposite direction. Once completely dried, then removed and the hair combed stocking normally.

18. Egypt

Just as Cleopatra, the Egyptian woman did not hesitate to use their natural resources are very rich to beautify themselves. They create their own conditioner by mixing castor oil and garlic collision. To eliminate odors, they add a drop of lavender oil into it. Conditioner is then applied to dry hair at night, let stand for 8 hours of sleep, and rinse keeseokan day. Smooth, shiny and perfect fragrance!

19. India

Indian women love to look with brown hair. They also dye her hair with natural ingredients. They mix mehndi with browned vegetables with coffee grounds or tea leaves. The entire material is soft like they mashed up pasta for later use on the hair. The longer ignored, the real hair color anyway. To maintain its luster, they are accustomed to applying neem oil which is sold freely.

20. Thailand

Thailand women rely on coconut milk to get beautiful shiny hair. They heat the milk to separate oil, oil for later use as a shampoo after cooled. Moisture, softness and shine is an effect that would be generated by this miraculous oil.

21. Vietnam

Lotus flower became one of the trademark beauty of Vietnam. This flower is not only beautiful to look at, but also believed to have remarkable properties to strengthen hair and provide extra sparkle. Vietnam Women prefer to use the lotus flower as a facial cleanser and use a thick-textured petals and Buttery as a conditioner.

Best hair treatment part 1


Best Hair Treatments From All Around The World part 1

Hair is the crown for women. A healthy and lustrous hair is associated with female beauty. Women from various parts of the world show off their creativity with hair care using natural materials around him. What are their tricks?

  1. Colombia 

Colombian women have a potent recipe to maintain the beauty of the hair that has been passed down from generation to generation. They use an avocado that thrives in Colombia as the main ingredient. Colombian woman accustomed to picking and mashing an avocado half and then mixed with two egg whites to treat their hair. Apply on hair, leave on for 15 minutes, then wash using shampoo and conditioner. Fast, cheap and makes the hair shiny super-smooth.

2. Indonesia

 Indonesian women use Eclipta alba as a shampoo.  Eclipta alba  produce black dye. Liquid juice is used to blacken the hair. Eclipta alba's leaf knead in water, then used to cool the head and to nourish and blacken hair.  Eclipta alba  liquid-applied to the baby's head in order to quickly get the black hair. Steeping  Eclipta alba  in coconut oil is used as hair fertilizer.

3. Brazil

Sun and sea water into the main enemy in the Brazil women's hair to maintain luster. But they have a trick to fight it! Brazil woman likes to take care of their hair using cocoa butter mask and silence him for half an hour. After that, they do not rinse with water, but instead uses natural coconut water is refreshing! Is apparently a potent combination makes the hair stay soft and moist in the sun.

4. Argentina

Buenos Aires famous for her sexy women with long hair. Their secret was to keep the hair beauty lies in the aloe vera plant. When shampooing with a shampoo, they do not forget to add the juice of aloe vera to their scalp. Besides adding luster, the trick is believed to encourage fertility hair.

5. Mexico

Mexican women fight frizz with the help of gelatin! How, they mix a tablespoon of gelatin without flavor with a cup of water and a teaspoon of vinegar. Massage your hair after shampooing using this herb, for 5 minutes, then rinse. This trick has been known for generations in Mexico.

6. Jamaica

Who would have thought, a cactus that grows in the arid plains of Jamaica was efficacious against dry hair. Jamaican woman would bother peeling the cactus and take the oil content to wash your hair. Although busy, but she is certainly willing to do it for the Jamaican beauty.

7. Russia

Russian women apparently prefer to use a special shampoo to wash their horse's hair. This hair's shampoo turned out to make them healthier and thicker.

8. Canada

The air is very dry in Canada makes the hair dry and unruly. Canadian women to maintain the softness of her hair with cold water trick at a time when bathing. After showering with warm water, warm water and rinse off the hair with water as cold as possible. It was no fun at all, but powerful close the hair cuticle and prevent your hair from the effects of dry and split ends.

9. Guyana

Good news for those of you who like sardines. This fish is believed to contain Omega 3 fatty acids are very high and not only a powerful increase brain power, but also maintain the softness of hair. Guyana women are not only consuming sardines once a week because of deliciousness, but also because of the beautiful effects on hair.

10. Scotland

 In Scotland, not only drink chamomile tea every afternoon, but is used by women to prevent a blond blond hair fade. How, they boil the chamomile flowers for a few minutes, then cooled. This liquid is then sprayed on the hair regularly.

Continues in Part 2

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Migraine headaches, secure solution with the natural way

The word migraine is derived from the Greek word, hemikrania, meaning "half head". Derived from the word hemikrania it later turned into a migraine (migraine).

Migraines are headaches that arise as a result of the chemical-grade levels of the body, or brain arteries to narrow and then widens suddenly, so that will activate nearby pain response. Migraine headaches are typical unilateral (one side / side) and pulsed, and symptoms include nausea, vomiting, photophobia (increased sensitivity to light) and phonophobia (increased sensitivity to sound).

Migraines also occur due to hyperactivity of the brain's electrical impulses that increase blood flow in the brain and cause brain blood vessel dilation and inflammation (inflammation). More severe inflammation that occurs, the more severe migraine suffered.

If the migraine finally comes, try to rest and sleep in a darkened room. Can also put a cold compress on the head to constrict blood vessels in the scalp. Taking pain medication (analgesic), both drugs that contain chemicals and natural medicine to improving blood circulation.

Natural medicines are efficacious to overcome migraine include: ginger rhizome (Zingiber officinale ROSCs.), Bangle rhizome (Zingiber cassumunar Roxb.), Gotu kola (Centella asiatica L. Urban), and the leaves ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba L.). Natural medicine such as ginger, contains sesquiterpene, which causes the characteristic smell of ginger. While the content of which gives the pungent taste substances monoterpena aldehydes and alcohols. Substances were also providing anti-nausea and Antiemetic efficacy. In addition to efficacy, the rhizome of ginger is also efficacious as anti-inflammatory and pain relief and improving blood circulation.

How to make the herbal ginger, it is not difficult. Take the powder of the dried rhizome. For adults and children over six years, use a dose of 0.5 g powder for a drink. In order to get well, herbs should be taken 2-4 times daily.

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How To Treat and Prevent Sprue

Sprue? You think you gonna deficient in vitamin C. This assumption turned out false. Numerous studies say, no it was found that vitamin C deficiency can trigger the occurrence of sprue. But, that not mean Vitamin C was  useless. "Vitamin C can certainly help keep the immune system (immune) body," said drg. R.Tjipto A. Subiakto, SpMP. When immune system going strong, sprue is certainly not going to attack.

In treating sprue, it is important to know the cause of sprue. If the cause of thrush is fungus, of the medicine is antifungal medication.

Natural Medicine 

Betel is known as a natural remedy for sprue. Betel nut contains antioxidants and a deadly killer germs. To cope with thrush, chew betel leaf can be directly or gargling with betel leaf decoction with a little salt. This method is also useful to address the swelling of the mouth, stopping the blood when the tooth susceptible to interference and eliminate bad breath.

Honey, can loosen dry skin affected by canker sores

How to avoid sprue

  1. Maintaining oral hygiene. Sprue is caused by systemic diseases can be minimized by maintaining oral hygiene. 
  2. Avoid trauma to the oral cavity. Trauma can be caused by brushing the wrong way (too loud), bitten, or food & beverage (eg food that is too hot). 
  3. Avoid stress. Some studies indicate, stress can trigger sprue. 
  4. Increase consumption of vegetables, fruits or other foods that contain iron, folic acid and vitamin B12.

Cough, symptoms and treatment

Coughing is a phenomenon that is easily found in every state. For some people cough is a common thing, but for others may be very disturbing.

Perhaps, everyone would have had a cough. Some are mild, some severe. There are phlegm, there are dry. Either because it was unusual, and people underestimate the cough. The problem, if left untreated, the infection occurs. And if it is acute, it is likely difficult to treat.

Actually, coughing serves to clear the throat and respiratory tract. But when excessive, it is a disease. Cough usually appear suddenly. Could be due to colds, influenza or sinusitis.

 Treatment. There are two ways to treat cough with phlegm, that is with medication and without medication. Coughing up phlegm that is still light can be reduced by frequently drinking water. The point is to help thin the mucus and reducing irritation or itching. Avoid dusty or even food and drinks that can stimulate the throat. Avoid the night air as the cold temperature.

Another way is to take cough medicine. But it should not be arbitrary. Cough medicine that is used must match the type of cough. Cough can be divided into two groups, namely an expectorant (thinning phlegm) and antitussive (cough suppressant).

Cough due to infection may also be treated with antibiotics. Cough with phlegm because the virus can be treated with antifungal drugs. While a productive cough because of asthma can be treated with asthma medications such as inhaled medication (inhalers), medication, eating, and syringes. If the cough is an acute, should be considered to perform the operation. After chemotherapy and there was light.

For those of you who want natural cough medicine some herbs are believed to overcome cough.

  • Ginger rhizome (Rhizoma Zingebris), 
Ginger and preparations have long been used for treatment of flu symptoms. The effects associated with the immunomodulatory activity. In addition, some compounds contained in ginger may be useful in increasing body temperature. Clinical trials Ginger is used more as an anti-nausea and vomiting.

  • Mint Leaves (Folia Menthae)
 Anti-cough effect: As an expectorant. Essential oils stimulate the respiratory mucosa; enhance or dilute the mucus secretion; provide a sense of cool; and lowers the surface tension of the lung, thus improving the flow of incoming air. Another effect of Mint Leaf: As anti-microbial.

  • Rhizome Powder (Kaemferaie Rhizoma)
A key benefit is overcome respiratory disorders. Effectiveness data for respiratory disorders are generally still in experimental animals. The use of the aromatherapy: for relaxation, carminative and sedative. Another use: Cosmetic skin. Activity: Ethyl cinnamic, asorelaksasi.

  • Fruit Lime (Citrus Aurantii Fructus) 
Lime for use of the cough is mostly done empirically. Benefits of Essential oil content: As the aroma therapy of the respiratory tract. Benefits of Vitamin C content: Can be connected with aktivitasi munomodulator. Current clinical studies for standardized extract (Sineprin) is more widely used for weight control.

  • Timi herb (Thymi Herb)
Thymi is one plant that has long been used as antibatuk. The main effect as an expectorant and Antis pasmodik. This activity allegedly related to the content of Essential Oils (thymol and karvakrol), and flavonoids. Thimi lubrication intra muscular and oral administration in experimental animals, showed stimulation of the respiratory tract. In a double blind randomized clinical trial in 60 patients with complaints of productive cough. Use of syrup Thimi (3x10mL/hari) for 5 days, proved to give effect to the bromheksin not significantly different.

  • Nutmeg (Myristicae Cement)
Nutmeg is the main content of essential oils. Use of Nutmeg which has supported scientific studies is as a sedative and carminative agent. Animal studies prove the Nutmeg can increase the duration of sleep.

  • Sweet root (Glycyrrhizae Radix) 
Sweet is the root of the main raw material for OBH (Black Cough). The development of the Black Cough is now combined with conventional medicine. The main content is Glisirisin Sweet Root.