This plant has been known since 1500 BC. Ancient Egyptians used this plant for treatment even as offerings at the funeral of Egyptian kings.
Aloe vera is a type of cactus plants, leaves thick, juicy with a bitter taste, sword-shaped, leaves to 50 cm long and thorny. Aloe vera has a very tight pores that function to prevent loss of moisture in it (Atherton, 1997). This plant originated in Africa and includes the family Liliaceae, which has over 300 species. Species of the genus Aloe include Aloe barbadansis commercial, and Aloe ferox Aloe perryl.
Aloe Vera plant has a variety of types. At least there are about 200 types of Aloe Vera have been known. Of the 200 species that are best used for treatment is a type of Aloevera Barbadensis Miller. This type contains at least 72 types of substances needed by the body.
Of the 72 substances there are 18 kinds of amino acids, carbohydrates, fats, water, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, hormones, and substances of drug classes. Among others, antibiotics, antiseptic, antibacterial, anticancer, antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antipembengkakan, antiparkinson, atherosclerosis, and antiviral resistant to antibiotics.
Aloe vera proved to storing important substances such as vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B21, C, E, choline, inositol, and folic acid.
Mineral content is calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron, zinc, and chromium. The content of the enzymes, including amylase, catalase, cellulose, Carboxypeptidase, carboxyhelolase, and brandykinase are all very important for metabolism. Aloe vera also appeared to contain a variety of amino acids, namely arginine, asparagine, asparatic acid, analine, serine, valine, glutamic acid, threonine, glycine, lycine, yrozine, proline, histidine, leucine, and isoliucine.
Since the year 1522 BC, in Egypt, aloe vera has been used to relieve redness of the skin disorders as well as the healing of infected wounds. Similarly in Indonesia. Use of aloe vera has been made since tens or even hundreds of years ago, mainly to overcome the loss hair and blaked hair.
This are the Aloevera functions :
Immunity. Aloe vera is full of antioxidants that counter free radicals to boost the immune system.
Burns. Aloe vera gel can heal and repair skin affected by burns, including burns caused by sun exposure.
Dandruff. Aloe vera can help reduce itching and dandruff. Aloe vera can also be used for treatment of hair before shampooing.
Detoxification. Aloe vera juice is a laxative natural toxins, but also contains various vitamins and minerals that help your body cope with stress in daily life.
Indigestion. Aloe vera is useful especially in cases of heartburn and irritable bowel and peptic ulcers. Aloe vera soothes the mind and overcome esophageal acid reflux.
Oral health. Aloe vera is very useful for mouth and gum problems, especially in improving the deteriorating gums.
Skin care. Function also removes acne, moisturize the skin, detoxify the skin, removal of scars and marks, reduce inflammation, and repair and skin rejuvenation.
Diabetes. Half a tablespoon of aloe vera juice is given for 14 weeks was shown to reduce blood sugar levels by 45 percent.
Help the bowel movement. Aloe latex contains anthraquinone glycosidesaloin A and B are useful as a powerful laxative.