
Best Hair Treatments From All Around The World part 2

At the last post we discussed the haircare 10 ways from several countries. The following follow-up episode of hair care that gives you the best information for charming beautiful hair.

11. French

 As one of the most advanced country in the world, French women choose these simple steps for hair care. They believe in the efficacy of the potent beauty sleep refreshes their entire body, including the hair. No wonder if the hair overnight moisturizer highly in demand in France. The most popular is the shea butter cream they apply on your scalp every evening before they wash their hair. Then at night they put vitamin hair before bed.

12. German

Known as a country that loves beer, do not be surprised if the drinks are specially commemorated in the Oktoberfest is also a major contribution to the beauty of the German women's hair. The trick was not difficult. You only need a pint of beer mixed with warm water until the temperature warms the beer part. Soak the hair in this liquid for 20 minutes, then rinse. Do it once a week. This trick is not only a powerful makes your hair shiny, but also strong and not easily broken.

13. Italy

Italian women do not just use olive oil for a delicious meal mengoleh typical of their country, but also to retain moisture and prevents it from matted hair. Italian women always took time to put a tablespoon of olive oil into the hair shaft them on a regular basis, at least once a week. They also do not wash your hair every day to keep the texture of the hair from tangles and easier to style.

14. Czech Republic

Czech blonde in comfort in treating hair aside. How not, they use the water boiled onion skins are then used to rinse the hair to retain color blond. No less than 6 onion skin mixed with 4 cups of glass and then boiled for 10 minutes. Can imagine the smell?

15. Romania

Romania for women, not just using it as a trick conditioner smoothes the hair. They used to add 1 tablespoon of honey into the conditioner they use after shampooing. The result, not only the hair becomes more shiny, but also emit highlight colors for women who dyed her hair.

16. Greece

Just like most Asian women, most Greek women endowed with the texture of thick dark hair. This characteristic is also one of the pride of Greek women. To maintain the shiny dark hair, they used to use shampoo containing walnut leaves are efficacious to maintain tone and hair color to keep it shiny.

17. South Africa

Just like most other black women, African women are also using a variety of ways to straighten their curly hair. Before using flattening iron, African women created their own techniques. After washing her hair, they wrap their tight wet hair using a stocking to be dried using hair dryer. Once the hair is in 80% dry, they open the package and wrap the hair back in the opposite direction. Once completely dried, then removed and the hair combed stocking normally.

18. Egypt

Just as Cleopatra, the Egyptian woman did not hesitate to use their natural resources are very rich to beautify themselves. They create their own conditioner by mixing castor oil and garlic collision. To eliminate odors, they add a drop of lavender oil into it. Conditioner is then applied to dry hair at night, let stand for 8 hours of sleep, and rinse keeseokan day. Smooth, shiny and perfect fragrance!

19. India

Indian women love to look with brown hair. They also dye her hair with natural ingredients. They mix mehndi with browned vegetables with coffee grounds or tea leaves. The entire material is soft like they mashed up pasta for later use on the hair. The longer ignored, the real hair color anyway. To maintain its luster, they are accustomed to applying neem oil which is sold freely.

20. Thailand

Thailand women rely on coconut milk to get beautiful shiny hair. They heat the milk to separate oil, oil for later use as a shampoo after cooled. Moisture, softness and shine is an effect that would be generated by this miraculous oil.

21. Vietnam

Lotus flower became one of the trademark beauty of Vietnam. This flower is not only beautiful to look at, but also believed to have remarkable properties to strengthen hair and provide extra sparkle. Vietnam Women prefer to use the lotus flower as a facial cleanser and use a thick-textured petals and Buttery as a conditioner.

Best hair treatment part 1


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