
Herbal mushrooms and the immune system, Miracle of Reishi (Ling Zhi)

Reishi or Ling zhi is known as, is a purely medicinal mushroom, not a culinary, both because it is difficult and wood and it tastes very bitter. But that is not toxic and has been the subject of a surprising amount of scientific research, both in Asia and the West.

Hypertension, heart disease, asthenia-type syndromes, allergy, anti virus, anti-bacterial, antioxidant, stress, memory and concentration, muscle aches, arthritis, cancer, etc. mentioned above are just a few, from a long list, a disease in which Reishi can help prevention and relief. Reishi may sound like a cure-all and almost too good to be true. However, these exotic fungi have actually withstood the test of time.

Reishi is a supreme immune tonic. Because energy is neutral, it is good for anyone to take. Treat immune disorders including AIDS as it raises the levels of T cells (index of AIDS and immune disorders). This action increases the immune also works wonders in the prevention and treatment of cancer, as T-cells will then be able to fight cancer cells more effectively.

However, reishi may help the body defeat cancer in not just one, but four ways. In addition to improving immune system, the glucan in reishi helps immune cells bind to tumor cells. Many experts believe that it also actually reduces the number of cancer cells, making it easier for T-cells and macrophages to rid the body of them. Another substance in reishi, called canthaxanthin, slows tumor growth, according to "Prescription for Dietary Wellness" author Phyllis A. Balch and other experts. As a result of the remarkable anti-cancer abilities, laboratory research and traditional medicinal usage of reishi to fight cancer is so positive that the Japanese government officially recognizes it as a cancer treatment.

In the East, Reishi has been a traditional balance-enhancing drugs are used to help nourish the heart, soothe the soul, and revitalize the body. In the West, extensive research has proven that many drug applications Reishi. Polysaccharides, canthaxanthin, sterols, ganoderic acid, coumarin, mannitol, lanostan, hydrocortisone, and glucans are just some of the active constituents were identified that contribute to how the role of Reishi can balance the body when under threat of physical, emotional, and energetic.

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