
Stay healthy in Holiday time

There are a few tips to maintain your health while traveling to a far better travel frequently for leisure or other interests. Not only the safety and comfort that you are traveling to launch activities, health is also important. Do not let holiday disrupted because you are sick on the way.

1. Enough sleep

Make sure you are still getting enough rest and sleep soundly while traveling or at your holiday destination. Remove the base of your shoes, do perengangan and give your feet a light massage to relax muscles and blood flow in the legs. Rest a few minutes, and you're ready to enjoy the holiday.

2. Jogging Around Hotel

Simply because they were traveling, so you do not have time to exercise. You can get up pagikemudian jogging around the hotel or inn for 15 minutes. Previously, you should ask in advance which routes are safe and regular untukberaktivitas. Or you can also rent a bike ride if there is there.

3. Keep Portion Eating

Delicious as any holiday meal at your place, keep watch in order to maintain healthy eating. If you eat too much, could have nausea or dizziness attack when I have traveled far. Halini would interfere with your trip.

4. Drink lots of

Water is an important part in maintaining a healthy diet. Water serves to add the fluid in the body, preventing dehydration, as well as an energy booster. Therefore, prepare a botle water or more when they want to travel far.

5. Provide Snack

Hunger can not be avoided on a long journey. For that please bring a healthy snack such as nuts, seeds and dried fruit as a source of energy while and keep hunger.

6. Take Drugs

Take your personalized medicines. Usually a disease that attacks the traveler is heartburn, dizziness or abdominal pain. But perhaps other health problems such as cough and flu, can attack you. Prepare medications that can relieve the symptoms. If you have a specific brand preference medication, take it as well. Who knew your favorite drug is not sold at the point of traveling.


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